How to Recover Accounts on Flugsvamp 4.0?

After losing your password, on Flugsvamp 4.0 you will face difficulties in restoring access to your account for a number of reasons, the first of them is that there is no system of mnemonic phrases on it and, in general, no system that allows you to restore your account yourself.

The second reason that is likely to prevent the ability to reset the password is the absence of the PGP key specified in the profile of the account to which you want to access.

There are many more reasons and I can't count them all, because you can only solve this problem in dialogue with the Flugsvamp 4.0 support center, so we will only list in this article tips that can help you convince FS4 that you are the account owner.

Step 1 - If a PGP key is associated with the account that you have lost access to, this can become a minor problem for this particular scenario. You must contact The Support Center indicate your problem in the ticket and sign this message with your PGP key. After verification, there is a high probability that you will be answered positively and you will receive a new password for your account. “NO GUARANTEES!”.

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We can not predict the content of the FS4 answer, but we hope that the following tips can help you navigate in case of additional questions addressed to you.

Step 2 - If you didn't have a PGP key associated with your account, anything that only you can link to your account can be used. For example, information about who you made a purchase from, transaction history, it can also be just a wallet on which you made a deposit, it is possible when communicating with someone in the market to inform his nickname and so on and so on. All this does not guarantee success, but it is worth trying.

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We hope that our tips will help you, if you are a beginner, check out our article on how you register an account at Flugsvamp 4.0.